Hawk News

Edible Learning: Baking with Young Children

“I love to bake bread,” says 5-year-old Adrian Jonker. “I love that it has the beautifullest smell that goes with it.” Jonker, a kindergarten student at Mount Madonna School (MMS), made his comments during a recent classroom baking lesson. Riley Brown, also in kindergarten adds that she loves baking because she then gets to eat for class snack what she baked.

Cast List for 13

Congratulations to all for your engagement in the audition process, your trusting yourself and those in the room to be positive witness to your experimentation and discovery. Casting does not denote success or failure in terms of growth and expansion. At the same time, disappointment is natural and part of life. For those experiencing sadness or frustration, hang in there; it stings now, but trust the process and yourself and find your way back to openness and opportunity.