Parent Role in Performing Arts

The Performing Arts Program at Mount Madonna school is a major part of our curriculum.

For the high school production to be a success, all parents and guardians are asked to participate in some way. To indicate the preferred area where you would like to support the production of Fiddler on the Roof, please fill out the survey by November 16. Go to survey (Survey Monkey)

Each area will have a coordinator who will contact parents helping in their area with the details of what is needed and scheduling. If you have any questions regarding participation, please contact Wendy or Anurag at 408-847-2717.

Outdoor ‘Buddy’ Lessons: Students Learn About Earth Sciences, Biology, and Building Community

With so many parents seeking out positive learning experiences for their children, teachers and administrators are often asked just what it is that sets their school apart. At Mount Madonna School (MMS), located atop a mountain overlooking the Monterey Bay, the inspiring natural environment of 355 acres of redwood forests and oak meadows is one significant and unique offering for local students and their families.