Sophomore Wins Gold in Jiu-Jitsu Competition

Congratulations to Mount Madonna sophomore Carlo LeGan, whose Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills earned him first place gold in a 10-0 shut-out final match at the recent Rising Sun National Tournament in Daly City. This August 25 event marked Carlo’s fourth consecutive shut-out tournament (no points scored against him).

Automated Messaging System

Emergency Power Announce Test:

Wed, Nov 18, the school will be testing our Power Announce system. Expect to receive a test message at your email, phone and text (if you have designated texting). There is no need to respond to the message or alert liaisons.

This is our procedure for letting everyone know when School Closure happens or emergencies. We call school for the following reasons:

  • Roads are closed
  • No electricity at MMS Lower Campus
  • Emergency services have designated hazardous road conditions and it is deemed dangerous for students and buses to drive to MMS