Quick 5 Podcast: 12th Grade Learning Journey to India (Part 1)

Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce, Quick 5 Podcast, 2/14/2023.

New episode of Quick 5 released 2/28/2023!

On this episode of Quick 5 Chamber CEO Nick Gaich and Quick 5 Producer Kylie McLaughlin sat down with Mount Madonna School’s upper school Director Shannon Kelly and senior at Mount Madonna Sandy Astone to talk about their 12th grade Learning Journey to India! We hear about some of the things they’ll be doing on the trip; the ways the have prepared, from the perspective of both an educator and a student; and what they are hoping to take away from the experience. They’re just over halfway through their trip (Feb 17 – Mar 4) and we will be having them back on the podcast when they return to hear all about it!

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Contact: Leigh Ann Clifton, director of marketing & communications, mmsmarketing@mountmadonnaschool.org


Nestled among the redwoods on 380 acres, Mount Madonna School (MMS) is a diverse learning community dedicated to creative, intellectual, and ethical growth. MMS supports its students in becoming caring, self-aware, discerning and articulate individuals; and believes a fulfilling life includes personal accomplishments, meaningful relationships and service to society. The program, accredited by the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), emphasizes academic excellence, creative self-expression and positive character development. Located on Summit Road between Gilroy and Watsonville. Founded in 1979.

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