Keep collecting Boxtops for “Education”!
Our next submission will be October, 2017. Boxtops do have expiration dates, so please send them with your student soon. Drop off containers are in each classroom and in the Upper Campus office.
We are on track to double last years record of boxtop submissions this year! The number of boxtops from MS/HS was very impressive this time around, too – more than Elementary grades for the first time!
Boxtops can be found on Betty Crocker, Land O ‘Lakes, General Mills, Ziploc, Kleenex, Hefty, Progresso, Green Giant and many other brands. Ask your friends, neighbors or relatives to clip and collect too (I have my family/neighbors trained!).
If you haven’t been saving these, you can start now! It takes just a few seconds to cut it off, and why throw a corporate donation in the trash? If you have any questions contact Barb at
Go to Box Tops for Education website to find participating products.