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1st-5th Grade School Book Drop-off and Student Belonging Pickup

June 9 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Please arrive at Upper Campus Hawk’s Nest Gym on TUESDAY, JUNE 9 between these times:


2nd grade


1st grade


3rd grade


4th grade


5th grade


Those who can’t make their earlier time slot

  • The third gate (#3) at the Upper Campus Hawk’s Nests Gym will be open at 9:00am. Please try to arrive within the 30 minute schedule for your child’s grade (or come between 11:30-12:00). You may need to wait in your car for a few minutes as we will be helping one car at a time in order to adhere to social distancing regulations.

  • There will be traffic cones, signs and MMS employees directing cars inside the gate and letting you know where to go, while staying in your car.

  • Kami (or Christie) will be standing behind 2 tables in front of the gym doors wearing masks.  When you pull up, Kami or Christie will greet you from 6’ away, then go get your child’s belongings inside the gym (in a labeled bag).

  • This is when you can have one person who is  wearing a mask, exit the car and put your child’s returned library books (or class books) on the table and return to your car.

  • Kami or Christie will take the book bag and replace it with your bag of student belongings.  After we back away from the table, someone in your car can come take the bag of student belongings back to your car.

  • If you have Gym shoes, please drive to the far side of the parking lot by the Wood Shop to search for your shoes. They will be arranged by class and in pairs. Please find out ahead of time what your child’s gym shoes look like to reduce the amount of time looking for them.

  • We will also have a lost and found section near that area with clothes laid out for you to find your child’s lost jackets, water bottles, etc.  Anything left behind will be donated.

  • Fifth grade also has costumes/props to claim and take home. You will also need to drop off the fifth grade classroom books in a separate box labeled “5th Grade Classroom Books”.

  • Any student bags not picked up will be held until the Fall for your student.

  • Any library books not returned will be charged to your account.

Additional Notes:

  • This all may seem confusing so all you need to do is bring your library books up in a labeled bag during your time slot and we’ll direct you from there.

  • If you have more than one student in Lower School, choose either grade’s allotted time.

  • First grade already sent their items home, but may have additional classwork, jackets, etc. to pick-up and you may have library books to return.

  • If you cannot make it up on Tuesday, please email Kami for further instructions.


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