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Astronomy Night Hosted by High School Astronomy Club

November 8 @ 6:00 pm

Update – 11/4/2022: Inclement or cloudy weather will not postpone our November 8 Astronomy Night event.

In the case of cloudy weather, the Astronomy Club will offer a presentation about astronomy concepts indoors (A2 classroom at the upper campus), and there will be fun astronomy-themed activities, including tarot card readings as a complement to the study of constellations and their impact on human history. If there is a clear sky, students will get out telescopes to have a great view of the full moon and eclipse.


Whole school community is invited to Astronomy Night, hosted by the high school Astronomy Club at 6:00pm on Tuesday November 8 at the upper campus field (adjacent to the fountain). Students will share educational information about the solar system and telescopes will be provided for better viewing of the stars and full moon!

Club members are planning additional fun activities that tie together astrology and astronomy, including tarot readings and coloring worksheets. Hot chocolate will be available for $1 per cup.

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