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Fall Open House

November 19 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

For more information or to RSVP, contact Benná Dimig: 408-846-4042 or .

Open House offers the opportunity to see how:
  • young children flourish in MMS’ Montessori-based pre/k program, that is nurturing, inviting and stimulating, and where play is valued as a natural learning process. Come experience how imagination, creativity, and social skills are fostered as we explore the natural world and the foundations of a respectful community.
  • the elementary program inspires meaningful exploration and supportive relationships through a rich array of academics, arts, and play. Together, we are creating a community that encourages each child’s natural love of learning to unfold.
  • in our middle school, students develop a sense of responsibility and their capacity for critical thinking and self-reflection as they transition into adolescence. Get a deeper understanding of how, through academics, performing arts, athletics, extended field trips, and outdoor education, our students are increasing their awareness of the world and their place in it.
  • our high school program is academically challenging while supporting individuals to discover their unique gifts and talents. Come experience how our older students become leaders within the school, local and global communities. Get a tangible feel for how they learn to take responsibility for themselves and make a positive difference in the world.

November 2016 Open House Flyer

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