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Education Evening for Middle School Parents/Guardians, “Navigating the COVID Era: Teens and the Pandemic”

December 1 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

The Zoom login link will be shared in News and sent via email to MS parents and guardians.

With the advent of pandemic-related constraints such as physical distancinga new paradigm has given rise to the need for a fresh understanding of pre-teen and teen choices. Learn how parents can support their adolescent’s emotional, mental and physical well-being in the COVID era. For this discussion, Clare Wesley, longtime friend and consultant to MMS, will offer insights gleaned from recent conversations with Mount Madonna School (MMS) students, and will discuss new approaches that are intended to increase the sense of community among students, families and teachers.

For more than 30 years, Clare worked with Encompass Community Services (formerly the Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center), the largest human services agency in Santa Cruz County. From an initial role as staff counselor to agency director of Youth Services, Clare served 2,500 youth and their families each year. Among her professional achievements, Clare created an accredited high school program that blended academics and counseling for students in need of a clean and sober environment to be successful.  She now has a private consulting practice.

Clare has learned and taught a great deal about youth and the choices they make, with particular attention to changing priorities through developmental stages. She has educated MMS students and consulted with faculty and administrators for more than 20 years.

This parent education evening is an opportunity for the families and the school to strengthen our partnership, with the intention to find our way through this maze together.

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