
MMS Off the Mountain: Senior Students Begin Project to Support Local Community Members

461192106_18462197869039159_2130361488857331929_nDonation drive for needed hygiene products runs through October 10 

The Mount Madonna School (MMS) senior class has begun work on their collective, year-long capstone project, “MMS Off the Mountain.” Last week, from the aptly named New Hope Community Church in Santa Cruz, students worked with the Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County to bag and distribute food to community members in need.

“One of our main project goals is working with underprivileged communities and looking for ways to lend a hand,” said senior Chloe Smith.

Student Amelie Zands said that after completing the food distribution, she, her classmates and  teacher Lisa Catterall loaded up the school van with all of the remaining perishable groceries and donated them to a nearby Oaxacan migrant farmworker housing site.

“Our next effort is on October 11,” said Zands. “We’re going to prepare a meal for local Oaxacan families,” said Zands. “We’re also gathering products needed by the community to bring along and donate.”

The class is accepting donations of soap, lotion, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste, diapers, wipes and feminine hygiene products to distribute at the Oaxacan Community Shed alongside the Center for Farmworker Families in Watsonville.

Any contributions appreciated; all donations need to be received by October 10. Collection boxes for donations are located inside the upper campus school office and at the lower campus bus stop. You can follow the MMS Off the Mountain Project at @off_the_mountain_2025 on Instagram.