Congratulations to the Cast of ‘Alice in Wonderland, Jr.’

Congratulations to the Cast of “Alice in Wonderland, Jr.” It was a delightful, fun-filled show! Thank you to the great Performing Arts team who led the way and brought out your special talents. Sampad Kachuck, Mayana Lisboa, Leah Parker, Girija Beavers, Erika Rosendale (’05) and Dennis Randolph ~ great job!

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Constructive Learning: Fourth Graders Build Holiday Houses

With his dad nearby to lend assistance, Mount Madonna School fourth grader Sammy Caudill lines up the pieces of pre-cut wood and carefully hammers in a nail, successfully connecting the first two walls of the small house he is constructing. This action is repeated again and again – a symphony of hammers and light-hearted chatter – as 14 students around the classroom build their houses.

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Alice in Wonderland, Jr. – a Great Show for the Whole Family!

Tickets are on sale now for Mount Madonna’s middle school production of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, Jr. on Saturday and Sunday, December 15 and 16 at 2pm.

Reservations can be made through Wednesday, Dec. 12 and must be payed for by this time. Remaining seats will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Call the office for availability after Dec. 12.

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Alice in Wonderland Cast List

Congratulations on your roles!

Some of us have two or even 3 roles! As we all know, avoid making any hasty judgments about importance of role or which songs or lines you sing or say. Be aware: the script designations of who does what may change! Don’t highlight lines or lyrics yet! In the first weeks of rehearsal, we will clarify those assignments. Anticipate roles being more than you think; all will have opportunity to shine and contribute. It will take hard work! We perform in December, so we must get right to it!

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Casting List Reflections

Congratulations to all for your engagement in the audition process, and for your trusting yourself and those in the room to be positive witness to your experimentation and discovery. Now the directors have the difficult job of assigning the roles. We’re aiming to post both cast lists by Saturday, 10/6 in the later afternoon. 

For both plays, the cast list simply identifies name, classification or grouping. Anticipate bringing dimension to your assigned “character”. No one is simply a title….Usually our roles are much more than anticipated. 

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Teacher’s ‘Wishes’ Published in Local Magazine

Wishes for My Students, a poem by MMS Preschool-Kindergarten Director Sarojani Rohan, was published in the August 2012 edition of Growing Up in Santa Cruz. Sarojani wishes to share her poem with our MMS community.

joy in the journey
peace in the innermost place of their being
health to do and enjoy all that calls to them
compassion for themselves and all beings
clarity to see what is false and what is True
honesty as a code to live by
integrity to do what they know is right
some quiet every day so they can hear their own song
wisdom to honor their gifts and talents
gratitude for all they’ve been blessed with
guidance to follow what has heart and meaning for them
cheerfulness to do whatever they need to do even when they don’t want to do it
friendships that are deep and true
love that surrounds and enfolds them wherever they are
inspiration that lights their path
a sense of purpose and fulfillment to their days
a steadfast heart,
enough magic and wonder
to satisfy their stargazer’s hunger for Mystery,
a willingness to be dazzled by everyday miracles,
and love for It All.

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