Ramayana Casting Reflections

-by the Directing Team: Sampad, Leah, and Mayana

With the audition process complete, it is appropriate to acknowledge the challenges of casting both for performers and directors. For some, this will not be a big issue, while others may experience disappointment. The key is finding a way to move forward positively. Most have heard the statement before- every role is pivotally important-and while a bit of a cliché, it is proven true.

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‘Golden’ Lesson Combines Math, Art and Literature

By Hema Walker

“Once upon a time…” may be an uncommon way to begin a mathematics lesson, yet in Mount Madonna School’s kindergarten where I teach, that is just how I present our “Golden Number Book” lessons. During the kindergarten year, each student will create their own counting journal, called a “Golden Number Book.” Every week the children add a new page to their book.

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Changes and Challenges: Middle School ‘Voices’ Onstage

“Okay, let’s be honest. We’re in middle school, so we’re not adults and we’re not little kids either. By term, we’re somewhere in between. That can be annoying.”

“I’m in no hurry to grow up. Seeing adults all stressed out is no big temptation to join your team. I’m fine to skateboard around…play video games, hang out with friends, and stay out of trouble.”

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Cornhusk Dolls and Baked Treats: Third Grade Enrichment

The large metallic mixing bowl on the table gleams, reflecting the arms and faces of the children around it. These children are third graders at Mount Madonna School, and with their hands covered in flour, they laugh and talk while mixing together dough for apple scones. The scones will later be baked and enjoyed by the students as part of their holiday celebration. Once the dough is finished and hands are washed clean, the children move on to making dolls.

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Students Share ‘Holiday Cheer’ and Carols

“Bravo! Bravo!” said the smiling older gentleman, as he stood and clapped for the assembled students as they finished each song. The students – approximately 45 middle schoolers from Mount Madonna School (MMS) – visited the Senior Center in Morgan Hill on December 1, to spread a little cheer and sing some well-known holiday carols.

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