Senior Class – Journey to India Blog Info

Mount Madonna School

Values in World Thought Program

Senior Class

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Join the Students in Delhi as they Interview:

U.S. Ambassador – Timothy Roemer
Member of Parliament – Mani Shakar Aiyer

Visit the Heritage School and Pathways World School
Spend time at the Sri Ram Orphanage in Haridwar
Travel to Amritsar to visit the GoldenTemple
Learn about their Interviews in Dharamsala with His Holiness The XIV Dalai Lama
and with Samdhong Rimpoche, Kalontripa (Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government in Exile)
Rinchen Khando Founder of the Tibetan Nun’s Project

And Much More!

Recent article about our journey for your interest:

Mount Madonna School students prep for India trip, visit with Dalai Lama – By KIRSTEN FAIRCHILDS

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