Senior Spotlight: Connor Murphy

Name, age, grade, city of residence

Connor Murphy, 18, 12th grade, San Martin 

Grade started at MMS


What inspires you? 

I am inspired by friends because they are always changing and challenging their perspectives.

What is your favorite subject and why? 

Physics. I like seeing how the world works, which physics helps gain understanding of that. It was also a great bonding experience with my classmates because it was a small class. 

 If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be? 

End the climate crisis. 

Dream job, and why? 

A university professor. I want to pass knowledge on to future generations, so they can do better than our generation. 

 What are your three favorite things? 

Backpacking, nature, my friends. 

 Favorite book: 

“The Way of Kings” by Brandon Sanderson

After high school plans: 

I plan to attend De Anza College in Cupertino, California, and pursue a major in journalism and minor in videography.  

Something that makes you smile: 

Doing a play. 

 Favorite MMS memory, and why? 

Hanging out with my friends and classmates outside of the Mexican Heritage Theater in San Jose. It strengthened my bond with my friends and my community.  

Who inspires you, and why? 

My marine biology teacher, Nicole Silva. She taught me how to challenge my own belief system, so I can change and grow and become a better person. 


Alumnus Cyrus Kamkar (’18) interviewed Connor for this spotlight feature.

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