Senior Spotlight: Tabitha Hardin-Zollo

Name, age, grade, city of residence

Tabitha Hardin-Zollo, 18 years, 12th grade, Watsonville

Grade you started at MMS

Fourth grade

What inspires you? 

I think what inspires me is people who have found their passion or the thing that fuels them each day, and who incorporate these passions in their every-day life. 

What is your favorite subject in school, and why? 

Anything science based, such as chemistry and biology. For me it makes sense to be able to visualize in my own body and see it, instead of speculating on things, it is a tangible experience.           

If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be? 

Animal cruelty in all forms. I grew up on an animal sanctuary, so it hurts me to see animals suffering. I would definitely change that. 

What is your dream job and why?

A doctor, such as an epidemiologist. I also think it would be cool to incorporate global policy and international relations somehow. I like the idea of  helping  people, while working to take away systems that harm people.

What are your three favorite things? 

  • My family, friends and community 
  • Traveling 
  • Exercising: Pilates, yoga, and going on bike rides

Favorite book: 

“Born a Crime’”  by Trevor Noah 

What do you want to do after high school?

I’m going to Sarah Lawrence College and I want to keep learning for the sake of learning and expand my world view.  I would love to live in different places across the country and world and eventually become a doctor.

Something that makes you smile:

Sunset on the beach with my friends.

A favorite MMS memory – and why?

Every trip I’ve gone has been a really great memory. Winning state was a great way to end volleyball for me and really come full circle as well. We won the division championship my first year playing volleyball, when I was in sixth grade, so it feels very full circle.

Who inspires you and why?

My mom, her bravery and courage to stand up to things that are wrong or unjust inspires me a lot.  She stands up for things everyday and I want to be more like that, and have her courage. 


Alumna Indigo Kelly (’18) interviewed Tabby for this spotlight feature.


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