‘The book fair couldn’t happen without many volunteers,’ said Gail. ‘This year I was lucky to have Claudine Bharghavan as co-chair. She helped in so many ways I can’t begin to count them! I also had great help from my daughter, Renata, Michelle Beske, Gary Banner, Maureen Pramanik, Dana Kerr, Christine Smith, Magdalena Montagne, Sarah Drobshoff and Stefanie Noland. I hope I didn’t miss anyone!
‘Thanks to all who visited and supported the book fair. It was very successful, especially due to its shortened schedule! We don’t know just yet how many books we will get for the library, but there should be many interesting and fun new titles for the students to read. We also built up classroom libraries from the Teacher Wish Lists; and were able to extend the gift of reading to students outside of MMS, by donating 17 books to the Hall District Elementary School Reading Program. Some of the students at Hall elementary are part of a group that MMS’ current senior class had as little buddies a couple years ago, and we’ve kept a relationship going through books and reading. Thank you to all who donated to this worthy program!’