Why We Give 2019/20

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I give because Mount Madonna School (MMS) raised me. It is the reason my professional journey brought me to the field of education. Recently, SN [Mailliard] reminded me that the substance of education is more than just the content of a classroom. At the end of the day it’s all about love. MMS was a space where I was given the tools, encouragement and support to become my complete, authentic self. More importantly, I was given the tools to grow and adapt as the chapters of life moved beyond MMS. I owe who I am, who I have felt empowered to become, and who I strive to be in this world, to my 15-year-long MMS learning journey. I am so grateful that MMS continues to provide opportunities for students and families to be a part of a community that truly emphasizes the heart behind “community.” This is why I give.
— Blythe Collier (’12)

“The Washington, D.C. trip was life changing…Jessica [Cambell] helped us girls work out some stuff…Sampad [Kachuck] said not to worry about what he thinks of our work; it’s more important what I think…Look at this picture of the girl I met in India…I’m starting to get Spanish!…The Philosophy 101 books at Smith are the same ones we read in Values at Mount Madonna School (MMS)!…Please, don’t buy single-use plastic products!”

These are a few things my daughters have said to me over the years that highlight the strength of MMS as “a community of learners dedicated to creative, intellectual and ethical growth.” We are indeed a community, a village where the “us” predominates, never the “they.” Each and every member — parent, child, teacher, administrator, bus driver, coach, — is an equal part supporting each other as we educate all students. Anthony and I contribute each year to the “us” by donating to the Annual Giving Campaign because we believe so deeply in what we as a community can do together.
— Christine Smith

I support Mount Madonna School (MMS) – as an alumna, daughter of a founding teacher, Sadhana Kilpatrick, sibling of alumni (Usha ’89, Marm ’90), and parent of alumna Vyvyanne (’13) – because MMS has given so much to us. Recently at a conference about the power of story to share one’s message and engage others, I was repeatedly reminded of the rich narrative I have to share, due in great part to my experiences at MMS.

I continue to point to lessons learned while at MMS – in self-awareness, empathy, global perspective, and my connection to humanity and the environment – as key to creating a life of meaning and service to society. Over the years, I have witnessed my fellow alumni making a real difference through the arts, science, technology, business, education, and other fields.

Perhaps most importantly, is the community in which I remain a part of, even from afar. While this community grows, I feel a strong connection back to the current teachers and students and to each alumnus, through our shared experiences. I am confident that, together, we are making the change we wish to see in the world.
For all of these reasons, I care about MMS’ sustainability, and so I have committed to giving monthly to my alma mater. I hope you will join me in making a meaningful contribution to the Annual Giving Campaign.

— Lara Kilpatrick (’85)

Mount Madonna School was transformative; it helped me understand and integrate ideas of self-expression and critical thinking. For me, giving is about supporting these principles and upholding the educational experience that I had the opportunity of benefiting from.
— Naveen Hattis (’08)

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