Senior Spotlight: Braeden Will

Name, age, grade and city of residence

Braeden Will, 17, 12th grade, Gilroy 

Grade started at MMS


What inspires you? 

People going out and making better lives for themselves, because it shows that they are active and caring for themselves. 

What is your favorite subject and why? 

Social sciences and in particular government, because I am very interested in politics. I plan to major in political science, and possibly go that direction in regards to my career. 

If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be? 

End racial injustice. 

What is your dream job and why?

Working for the State Department because I get to travel, and I know it is something I will enjoy. It also is fitting with my interest in politics and international relations.   

What are your three favorite things? 

My friends, family, and community. 

Favorite book. 

“The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time, Book 2” by Robert Jordan

After high school plans: 

I am planning to go to Seton Hall University in New Jersey and major in diplomacy and international relations. 

Something the makes you smile: 

My friends and my girlfriend.

Favorite MMS memory, and why? 

Our South Africa trip. It was a great experience, and I personally got a lot out of it. I received a better appreciation for other cultures, and truly reflected on how, no matter where we are in the world, we are all humans. 

Who inspires you, and why? 

My U.S. government teacher, Tiffany Wayne. She got me interested in the study of politics, which I am continuing to study in college.


Alumnus Cyrus Kamkar (’18) interviewed Braeden for this spotlight feature.


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