Hawk News

Habitat for Humanity and Broadcom Donate a Playhouse for School’s Youngest Students

 “I like this house,” said the small boy, his dark eyes shining as he watched teacher Nate Rockhold adjust placement of the stylish new playhouse in the school’s play yard. “I want to go inside it.” Adjustments completed, Rockhold stepped back and smiled, watching the ten or so preschool and kindergarten students as they took turns going inside, looking out the windows and opening and closing the door.

Bridging Continents and Building Community: Student Awarded First Prize for Speech

With poise and determination, McKenzie Caborn stood at the podium, put aside her nervousness and gazed confidently at the audience of Rotary Club members. Taking a deep breath, she began reading: “On October 17, 2010, a small group of Rotarians participated in the Istanbul marathon and raised $8,000 towards Rotary International’s fight to eradicate polio.

Into the Woods

 A childless baker and his wife cannot have a child until they follow the bidding of the witch next door to get a cow as white as milk, the cape as red as blood, the hair as yellow as corn, and the slipper as pure as gold.  Good thing that they’ve got neighbors named Jack, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and Cinderella to help them before (and after) Happily Ever After. A good time to be had by all. 

Adults $15.00 and students $10.00.